see parallel




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1·I've taught a graduate course in the design of programming languages and was happy to see that the textbook I adopted had a chapter on parallel computing and programming.
2·This code is very similar to what you might see in a functional programming language, with the additional benefit that it's automatically executed in parallel.
3·In all, it is not hard to see why there has been so little progress in parallel programming, even though multicore chips have been widespread for five years.
4·Backing up your logical logs is always a good idea and it is essential if you plan to do parallel backups or want to be able to perform point-in-time restores (see Type of backups).
5·What it means rather is that, if one reflected on one's life, one could reasonably see it in terms of various story lines, whether parallel or intersecting or distinct.
6·If you expand the grouped transactions you can see the transactions that parallel the ones in Figures 1 through 6.
7·One of the most striking experiments had H.M. tracing a star between two parallel lines, when he could see his drawing hand only in a mirror.
8·“See, Chrysler had come out with parallel blades in 1955, and people liked them, ” Daykin says.
9·The new RPG (role-playing game) Parallel Kingdom for Android and iPhone uses location-based networking to let you see other nearby players on a Google map.
平行王国(Parallel Kingdom)是Android和iPhone手机上最新推出的一款角色扮演游戏,其定位网络可以让你通过Google地图看到周围玩家在做什么。
10·Engineers can check in and check out team assets, see what activities have been assigned to them, and easily work in parallel with other team members.
工程师通过检入(check in)和检出(check out)清楚地看到他们曾经执行的工作,并且可以轻松地与其他团队成员并行工作。